Wednesday, 3 July 2013

World War Z Book Review

World War Z 
By Max Brooks 

World War Z Review

Quick thought: 
I thought that this book was quite good! It is very different from other books because this is in a series of interviews with different people about their experience with the war against Zombies. This wasn't a page turner to me but it was still a good read and very interesting. I will give this book a 3.5/5 stars. 

What I liked: 
Max Brooks has thought of everything! I thought that this book was very well thought out and planned! It really did seem like I was reading real interviews. Brooks thought out everything and the world seems so real! It just took my breath away after reading this thinking wow that whole story that whole world was made up in just one mans head! I also quite liked a few of the interviews, some of course were very militaristic, very political and some very personal stories. The ones that stuck out to me were very personal ones and also some that dealt with less military firearm like things. There were I would say 5 that stuck out to me the most in this book (this is in order of appearance in the book).

One: The woman who I am not sure what she has but she has so kind of mental disorder and her mind is much like a child's though she is around 25. Her story stuck out to me because she was just so oblivious to everything that happened. Her mind could not understand. 

Two: The girl from Canada I think who went up north with her family. I thought that it was a great way to show how quickly humanity can lose their trust in everyone around them. At first everyone was happy and it was like a camp, singing by the fire and sharing everything. By winter there were too many people to deal with that no one trusted each other and it was every man for himself. 

Three: A Japanese young man was so invested in his computer and the cyber world that he didn't care that his parents went missing. He only realized he needed to something when his computer server broke down and he had no connection to his cyber world. He had to think fast in getting out of his apartment before the zombies attacked him. He was very fortunate that he had learn quite a lot so he can use his knowledge to get himself out. 

Four: Another Japanese man, only this man was blind due to looking at the flash of the atomic bomb back in 1945. He fled to the mountains and he had only his other senses to help him out. He even mastered how to kill zombies with a one hit strike. I thought he was a great character in that he didn't let anything let him down and kept his zen to survive. 

Five: Dogs. I loved the story of the man who worked with the dogs in the military force. He has such a great connection to them and his story and the dogs stories really touched my heart. Especially learning how so many of the people who lost their dog offed themselves afterwards because they just couldn't and wouldn't live on with out their companion. 

What I didn't like 
This books like I said before is not your conventional dramatic structure, with the beginning middle and end set up. It was just short interviews with people all over the world. I thought that the book was really well written and planned out but I don't think it would be a reread. It just seemed like I was in a way reading the newspaper, it isn't like I am going to reread the papers. It was very basic in the sense that it was just a short point of view story and not a complete story of just one person. I would have liked another book about the "author" and his experience alone. I say "author" because the man who conducts the interviews is the one that has written the book so people all over the world can read other peoples experiences. Some of the stores were quite interesting and a few interviews or just a few parts of just many 3-4 peoples experience would be I think a better read. Because then you connect with their story more. I thought that there needed more of a connection and I did connect to a few but it was just too short for me to really have it soak in and for me to really appreciate it. This book also too me a long time to read. It isn't a very long book, it is the standard around 400 paged book. The book even led me to a reading slump I didn't touch it or any book for almost 2-3 weeks. But I managed to push through and finish it. I thought that near the end of the book was more interesting an engaging than the beginning middle of the book. I still quite like the book but of course very rarely is there the perfect book. I would recommend it to anyone really who likes fictional history, zombies and politics. 

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